Engineer Network Group

Engineer Network Group
Careers for Engineers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Career tips from a tycoon.

What valuable lessons can you learn from one of the world's greatest business tycoons?

Andrew Carnegie was a self-made man who rose from poverty to greatness in the US during the latter half of the 19th century. He made his fortune in steel and railroads. Some say he was worth more than Bill Gates today.

What advice has he left for aspiring young business people?

From Carnegie's biography, there are 10 tips for success.

1. Take risks to be noticed and stand out from the crowd

2. Cultivate the patronage of powerful senior people

3. Surround yourself with talented people - but be the glue to hold them together through energy and vision

4. Take a wide view of individual transactions. Meeting one new person today enables you to link with the broader netowrk of that individual.

5. Know yourself well - be true when you understand your strenths, motives and weaknesses

6. Push inordinately

7. Put all good eggs in one basket and watch it grow

8. Pioneering doesn't pay

9. Expand in downturns

10. This isn't a tip (as it's now illegal) but Insider Trading is how Carnegie achieved early success!

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